Publications: University College London
The formation of NH+ following the reaction of N2++ with H2
Jessica F. Lockyear, Claire L. Ricketts, Michael A. Parkes and Stephen D. Price
Chemical Science, 2, 150-156 (2010)
Ice in space: surface science investigations of the thermal desorption of model interstellar ices on dust grain analogue surfaces
D.J. Burke and W.A. Brown
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 5947-5969 (perspective article)
Computational study of carbonyl sulphide formation on model interstellar dust grains
D.A. Adriaens, T.P.M. Goumans, C.R.A. Catlow and W.A. Brown
J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 1892-1900
Photon and electron-stimulated desorption from laboratory models of interstellar ice grains
J.D. Thrower, A.G.M. Abdulgalil, M.P. Collings, M.R.S. McCoutra, D.J. Burke, W.A. Brown, A. Dawes, P.J. Holtom, P. Kendall, N.J. Mason, F. Jamme, H.J. Fraser and F.J.M. Rutten
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. 28 (2010) 799-806
Thermal Reactions of Oxygen Atoms with Alkenes at Low Temperatures on Interstellar Dust
M.D. Ward and S.D.Price
Astrophys. J., (2011) 741, 121
A study of methyl formate in astrochemical environments
A. Occhiogrosso, S. Viti, P. Modica, M. E. Palumbo
MNRAS 418, 1923–1927 (2011) UCL+INAF
On the formation of glycolaldehyde in dense molecular cores
P.M. Woods, G. Kelly, S. Viti, B. Slater, W.A. Brown, F. Puletti, D.J. Burke and Z. Raza
Ap.J. 750:19 (2012)
Thermal Reactions of Oxygen Atoms with CS2 at Low Temperatures on Interstellar Dust
M. D. Ward and S. D. Price
MNRAS submitted (2012)
Modelling of c-C2H4O formation on grain surfaces
A. Occhiogrosso, S. Viti, M. D. Ward, and S. D. Price
MNRAS (2012)
Glycolaldehyde formation via the dimerization of the formyl radical
P. M. Woods, B. Slater, Z. Raza, S. Viti, Serena, W. A. Brown, and D. J. Burke
Astrophys. J., 2013, 777, 90
Ethylene oxide and acetaldehyde in hot cores
A. Occhiogrosso, A. Vasyunin, E. Herbst, S. Viti, M. D. Ward, S. D. Price and W. A. Brown
Astron. Astrophys., 2014, 564. A123
Single and double addition of oxygen atoms to propyne on surfaces at low temperatures
H. J. Kimber, C. P. Ennis, and S. D. Price
Faraday Discuss., 2014, 168 167-184
Trapping and desorption of complex organic molecules in water at 20 K
D. J. Burke, F. Puletti, P. M. Woods, S. Viti, B. Slater, and W. A. Brown
J. Chem. Phys., 2015, 143, 164704
Glycolaldehyde, methylformate and acetic acid adsorption and thermal desorption from interstellar ices
D. J. Burke, F. Puletti, Fabrizio, W. A. Brown, P. M. Woods, S. Viti, and B. Slater
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2015, 447, 1444-1451
Adsorption and thermal processing of glycolaldehyde, methyl formate, and acetic acid on graphite at 20 K
D. J. Burke, F. Puletti, P. M. Woods, S. Viti, B. Slater, and W. A. Brown
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 6837-6849
A new study of an old sink of sulphur in hot molecular cores: the sulphur residue
P. M. Woods, A. Occhiogrosso, S. Viti, Z. Kanuchova, M. E. Palumbo, and S. D. Price
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2015, 450 1256-1267