Publications: National Institute for Astrophysics
H bonds in astrophysical ices
Palumbo M.E., Baratta G.A., Leto G., Strazzulla G.
Journal of Molecular Structure 2010, 972, 64–67
The fate of S-bearing species after ion irradiation of interstellar icy grain mantles
Garozzo M., Fulvio D., Kanuchova Z., Palumbo M.E., Strazzulla G.
Astron. Astrophys. 2010, 509, A67
Near-infrared laboratory spectra of H2O trapped in N2, CH4, and CO: hints for trans-Neptunian objects’ observations
Fulvio D., Guglielmino S., Favone T., Palumbo M.E.
Astron. Astrophys. 2010, 511, A62
Formation of methyl formate after cosmic ion irradiation of icy grain mantles
Modica P., Palumbo M.E.
Astron. Astrophys. 2010, 519, A22
The influence of temperature on the synthesis of molecules on icy grain mantles in dense molecular clouds
M. Garozzo, L. La Rosa, Z. Kanuchova, S. Ioppolo, G. A. Baratta, M. E. Palumbo, and G. Strazzulla
A&A 528, A118 (2011)
A study of methyl formate in astrochemical environments
A. Occhiogrosso, S. Viti, P. Modica, M. E. Palumbo
MNRAS 418, 1923–1927 (2011) INAF+UCL
Cosmic ion bombardment of the icy moons of Jupiter
Strazzulla, G.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 2011, 269, 842-851
Production of Oxidants by Ion Bombardment of Icy Moons in the Outer Solar System
Boduch P., da Silveira E.F. Domaracka A., Gomis O., Lv X.Y., Palumbo M.E., Pilling S., Rothard H., Seperuelo Duarte E., Strazzulla G.
Advances in Astronomy 2011, ID 327641
Nitrogen oxides and carbon chain oxides formed after ion irradiation of CO:N2 ice mixtures
D. Sicilia, S. Ioppolo, T. Vindigni, G. A. Baratta, and M. E. Palumbo
A&A 543, A155 (2012)
Formation of methyl formate in comets by irradiation of methanol-bearing ices
P. Modica, M.E. Palumbo, G. Strazzulla
Planetary and Space Science, 2012, 73, 425-429
Laboratory Studies of Electron and Ion Irradiation of Solid Acetonitrile (CH3CN)
A. Abdulgalil, D. Marchione, M. P. Collings, M. R. S. McCoustra, F. Islam, M. E. Palumbo, E. Congiu and F. Dulieu
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 2013, 371, 20110586
Solid CO2 in low-mass young stellar objects. Comparison between Spitzer and laboratory spectra
S. Ioppolo, I. Sangiorgio, G.A. Baratta, M.E. Palumbo
Astron. Astrophys., 2013, 554, A34/1-A34/12
Carbon nanowires generated by ion irradiation of hydrocarbon ices
O. Puglisi, G. Compagnini, L. D’Urso, G.A. Baratta, M.E. Palumbo, G. Strazzulla
Nuc. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2014, 326, 2–6
Simultaneous UV- and ion processing of astrophysically relevant ices. The case of CH3OH:N2 solid mixtures
F. Islam, G.A. Baratta, M.E. Palumbo
Astron. Astrophys., 2014, 561, A73/1-A73/9
A new study of an old sink of sulphur in hot molecular cores: the sulphur residue
P. M. Woods, A. Occhiogrosso, S. Viti, Z. Kanuchova, M. E. Palumbo, and S. D. Price
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2015, 450 1256-1267