Publications 2014
Ethylene oxide and acetaldehyde in hot cores
A. Occhiogrosso, A. Vasyunin, E. Herbst, S. Viti, M. D. Ward, S. D. Price and W. A. Brown
Astron. Astrophys., 2014, 564. A123
W. A. Brown
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 3343
The formation of molecular hydrogen on silicate dust analogs: The rotational distribution
L. Gavilan, J. L. Lemaire, G. Vidali, T. Sabri, and C. Jaeger
Astrophys. J., 2014, 781, 79/1-79/13
Interstellar silicate analogs for grain-surface reaction experiments: Gas-phase condensation and characterization of the silicate dust grains
T. Sabri, L. Gavilan, C. Jäger, J. L. Lemaire, G. Vidali, H. Mutschke, F. Huisken, and Th. Henning
Astrophys. J., 2014, 780, 180/1
Chemodynamical Deuterium Fractionation in the Early Solar Nebula: The Origin of Water on Earth and in Asteroids and Comets
T. Albertsson, D. Semenov, and T. Henning
Astrophys. J., 2014, 784, 39
First Time-dependent Study of H2 and H3+ Ortho-Para Chemistry in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium: Observations Meet Theoretical Predictions
T. Albertsson, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, D. Semenov, K. N. Crabtree, and T. Henning
Astrophys. J., 2014, 787, 44
Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel. The link between water gas and ice in protostellar envelopes
M. Schmalzl, R. Visser, C. Walsh, T. Albertsson, E. F. van Dishoeck, L. E. Kristensen, and J. C. Mottram
Astron. Astrophys., 2014, 572, A81
Investigations into the Nature of Spontelectrics: Nitrous Oxide Diluted in Xenon
A. Cassidy, O. Plekan, J. Dunger, R. Balog, N. C. Jones, J. Lasne, A. Rosu-Finsen, M. R. S. McCoustra and D. Field
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 23843-23853
The Interaction of Carbon Monoxide with Model Astrophysical Surfaces
M. P. Collings, J. W. Dever and M. R. S. McCoustra
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 3479-3492
Ethylene oxide and acetaldehyde in hot cores
A. Occhioerosso, A. Vasyunin, E. Herbst, S. Viti, M. D. Ward, S. D. Price, and W. A. Brown
Astron. Astrophys. 2014, 564, A123
Single and double addition of oxygen atoms to propyne on surfaces at low temperatures
H. J. Kimber, C. P. Ennis, and S. D. Price
Faraday Discuss., 2014, 168 167-184
Hydrogenation of PAH molecules through interaction with hydrogenated carbonaceous grains
J. D. Thrower, E. E. Friis, A. L. Skov, B. Jorgensen and L. Hornekaer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 3381-3387
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – catalysts for molecular hydrogen formation
A. L. Skov , J. D. Thrower and L. Hornekaer
Fara. Disc., 2014, 168, 223-234
Free-electron laser induced processes in thin molecular ice
B. Siemer, S. Roling, R. Frigge, T. Hoger, R. Mitzner, and H. Zacharias
Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 2014, 168, 553-569
Highlights from Faraday Discussion 168: Astrochemistry of Dust, Ice and Gas, Leiden, The Netherlands, April 2014
J. D. Thrower, S. Ioppolo, C. Walsh
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 13636-13644
Carbon nanowires generated by ion irradiation of hydrocarbon ices
O. Puglisi, G. Compagnini, L. D’Urso, G.A. Baratta, M.E. Palumbo, G. Strazzulla
Nuc. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2014, 326, 2–6
Simultaneous UV- and ion processing of astrophysically relevant ices. The case of CH3OH:N2 solid mixtures
F. Islam, G.A. Baratta, M.E. Palumbo
Astron. Astrophys., 2014, 561, A73/1-A73/9
Nitrogen chemistry on cold surfaces - Part I: The surface consumption of NO
M. Minissale, G.S. Fedoseev, E. Congiu, S. Ioppolo, F. Dulieu, and H. Linnartzz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 8257 (2014)
Nitrogen chemistry on cold surfaces - Part II: The surface consumption of NO2
S. Ioppolo, G.S. Fedoseev, M. Minissale, E. Congiu, F. Dulieu, and H. Linnartz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 8270 (2014)
Oxygen diffusion and reactivity on bare silicate interstellar grains
M. Minissale, E. Congiu, and F. Dulieu
Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 074705, (2014)
Efficient diffusive mechanisms of O atoms at very low temperatures on surfaces of astrophysical interest
E. Congiu, M. Minissale, S. Baouche, S. Cazaux, H. Chaabouni, G. Manicó , A. Moudens, V. Pirronello, and F. Dulieu
Faraday Discussion 168 Astrochemistry of Dust, Ice and Gas (2014)
Ab initio Investigation of the abstraction reactions by H and D from tetramethylsilane and its deuterated substitutions
I. Oueslati, B. Kerkeni, A. Spielfiedel, W.-U L. Tchang-Brillet and N. Feautrier
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118, 791
Atomic and electronic structures of the (13x13)R13.9 of silicene sheet on Ag(111)
M. R. Tchalala, H. Enriquez, H. Yildirim, A. Kara, A. Mayne, G. Dujardin, M. Ait Ali and H. Oughaddou
Appl. Surf. Sci, 303 (2014) 61–66
Atomic structure of silicene nanoribbons on Ag(110)
M. R. Tchalala, H. Enriquez, A. Mayne, A. Kara, G. Dujardin, M. Ait Ali and H. Oughaddou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 491 (2014) 012002
The Formation of Molecular Hydrogen on Silicate Dust Analogs: The Rotational Distribution
L. Gavilan, J. L. Lemaire, G. Vidali, T. Sabri and C. Jäger
The Astrophysical Journal, 781:79 (13pp), 2014
Interstellar Silicate Analogs for Grain-Surface Reaction Experiments: Gas-phase Condensation and Characterization of the Silicate Dust Grains
T. Sabri, L. Gavilan, C. Jäger, J. L. Lemaire, G. Vidali, H. Mutschke, and T. Henning
The Astrophysical Journal, 780:180 (8pp), 2014
High-Resolution Oscillator Strength Measurements of the v’=0,1 Bands of the B-X, C-X, and E-X Systems in Five Isotopologues of Carbon Monoxide
G. Stark, A. N. Heays, J. R. Lyons, P. L. Smith, M. Eidelsberg, S. R. Federman, J. L. Lemaire, L. Gavilan, N. de Oliveira, D. Joyeux, L. Nahon
The Astrophysical Journal, 788:67 (13pp), 2014
High-resolution study of oscillator strengths and predissociation rates for 13C16O and 12C18O. W – X bands and Rydberg complexes in the 92.5-97.5 nm range
M. Eidelsberg, J. L. Lemaire, S. R. Federman, G. Stark, A. N. Heays, L. Gavilan, J. R. Lyons, P.L. Smith, N. de Oliveira, D. Joyeux
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 566, A96 (15pp), 2014